About me

Eudora Gray
Rayeunat's World
I'm retired, single mother of one.  I have a cat. I love science fiction and action movies. But my main thing is I'm a left-handed crocheter.

I taught myself to crochet back in the 70's.  There were no left-handed crochet books only right-handed.  But I still taught myself.  I consider myself as an experienced or advanced crocheter.  I can make just about anything. I also consider myself and advanced or experienced knitter.  I can read and understand knitting but prefer crocheting.  Knitting takes to long. For this reason, I do very little knit garments or afghans. Crochet is faster.

 I'm started this blog because I crochet and knit so many things, people always ask about how I did it or what pattern is that or what stitch did I used..  I have been taking picture of finished projects and posting them on Ravelry, Flickr, Pinterest, and Facebook.
I've been making notes, but had no place to put the pictures and notes together.  This blog will cover steps I took to get to the end of the project. 

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